Helping you win in the international world of work

I focus on two things:

  • personal leadership, ownership, and effectiveness for career, change, and transition success.

  • leadership, ownership, and effectiveness for successful intercultural teams and organisations.

Who I help

My individual clients come from all corners of the globe. They come to me not only for career, stress, and transition coaching, but also for underlying issues about belonging, identity and a feeling of not being in control.

Others come to me because they just arrived in their new country and need a helping hand finding their way as fast as possible, or because they have been in their host country for a while and are still struggling.

HR and employers come to me for support with improvement on issues in the areas of diversity, inclusion, belonging and engagement of their employees with an international background, and for smoothly operating intercultural teams.

I am happiest and most fulfilled when I work intensively on a case-by-case-basis with highly motivated clients who have made the decision to get up and do something about whatever it is they are dealing with.

My model®

I developed the Holistic Intercultural Life Mastery Approach model® (HILMA-model). It is a powerful and effective model that integrates:

  • Tangible and intangible aspects in personal growth and change processes: such as mental strength, beliefs, emotions, and resistance


  • Intercultural & ‘having come from elsewhere’ specific aspects such as living in between worlds and cultures, identity issues and cultural values that every international faces in both their private and professional lives.

My work in African countries and the wider Global South

I am also passionate about helping build scalable learning, development and coaching systems, frameworks and capacity in Kenya, other African countries and in the wider Global South.

When you think of my work, think of…

  • A preventive approach and attention to people in the workplace, preventing dropout and absenteeism, sustainable employability, diversity, inclusion, belonging and engagement at the workplace, psychological safety or insecurity at the workplace, a meaningful and fulfilling work life, job satisfaction.
  • Self-knowledge, self-awareness, self-compassion, dealing effectively with change, dealing constructively with setbacks, intercultural intelligence of teams and individual employees, existential loneliness, life questions, circle of control, self-management, self-confidence, making choices, setting priorities and goals, focus, assertiveness, work-life balance.
  • Breaking with harmful patterns, habits, and traditions.
  • No one size fits all approach but tailor-made solutions.
  • Personalised 1 on 1 or small group services.

Progress not perfection. Start where you are now, with what you have.